The American strike on the Syrian airbase has many concerned and worried about an expansion of hostilities. Allow me to suggest this was a one-time strike in retaliation for the Syrian chemical attack on civilians. An analysis of the physical damage to the Syrian air base is not of important as is the message President Trump delivered to the bad actors around the globe. Not only were bombs delivered, so were the following messages:
1 – Noteworthy the attack happened at the time when President Trump and his wife Melania hosted an opulent dinner for the Commie dictator Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan. The message for Xi was there is a “new sheriff in town.” That is an American euphemism there is a new guy in charge, no longer the empty suit Obama but a man of his word President Trump. So when Trump talks about trade, currency manipulation, the lunatic in North Korea, and the South China Sea, he backs his words with action. Just think about this, while they were enjoying dinner, bombs were dropping on that Syrian airbase. Can imagine the impact that had upon Xi Jinping?
2 – A loud message to the lunatic dictator in North Korea Kim Jong-un (Kim Jong-unnecessary) a warning to behave and cease with your threatening actions towards Japan and South Korea. The USA will respond and do so swiftly. Advice to Kim Jong-un: go into hiding as your father did when President Bush cleared Iraq of their hideous dictator.
3 – Hey Iran you too take note. Their Supreme Leader and his hideous council are now on notice in reference to their nuclear development and threats towards Israel that Obama and that bum John Kerry are no longer at the helm of America’s ship of state. The ship’s wheel is in the hands of a man of his word President Trump.
4 – To the commie thugs in Beijing: Do you want to see Japan and South Korea have nuclear weapons as President Trump suggested? If not, then control the reckless behavior of that lunatic in North Korea, because the United States will stand side-by-side with our allies in Japan and South Korea. If China fails to act responsibly then the USA will have no choice but to urge Japan and South Korea to add nuclear weapons to their arsenal as a deterrent and most of all for their protection. The commies in Beijing fear such an action and now know Trumps words are not empty, but supported by action.
A confrontation with Russia? Only if Russia initiates it because I am confident the USA has no further plans to send another message to Assad of Syria unless the monster uses that sarin gas again. Let the Russians send their whole fleet of rust buckets into the Mediterranean Sea, because the U.S. Navy currently is in a holding pattern unless Bashar Assad acts recklessly again. The ball is now in Russia and Assad’s court. President Trump is satisfied with the American strike and so are the majority of Americans. Democrats complaining in the USA forgot the civilians President Obama targeted with drones in Yemen and Pakistan. There were no complaints then and their complaints today only serve to illustrate their partisan politics.
President Trump has illustrated America now has a competent President in the White House. Our nation has not seen a man as decisive as Trump in our 241 year history. Well not exactly, it can be argued President Lincoln was as equally decisive.
Tony Marano / Author, Propaganda Buster
April 14, 2017