April 7

President Trump and China’s dictator Xi Jinping

Meeting with Xi jingping at Winter White House.
If China refuses to assist in controlling the behavior of North Korea, the USA will do alone.
"Lie down with dogs and wake up with fleas"


President Trump and China’s dictator Xi Jinping

Xin Jinping the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China is scheduled to meet with President Donald Trump at what Trump calls the “Winter White House,” at his estate Mar-a-Lago in Florida.  This is a well anticipated meeting considering the volatile topics considered to be discussed.

  During the presidential race then candidate Trump continue to criticize China for their trade policies, currency manipulation, and refusing to rein in the lunatic leaders of North Korea.  It can be expected North Korea will be discussed.  Recently North Korea has launched worrisome missiles followed up with hostile rhetoric.  President Trump has recently said if China refuses to assist in controlling the erratic behavior of North Korea, the USA will do it alone.  This is a major concern for China because they fear any military activity on the peninsular will lead to an influx of refugees entering China crossing the North Korean Chinese border.

The Los Angeles Times dated 4 April, 2017 recently headlined an article “As he gets ready to meet Trump in Florida, China’s Xi Jinping has a lot to worry about.”

A few quotes from the article concerning the meeting:  “...the Chinese government is deeply on edge.”

“Xi Jinping does not want to be seen as being bullied or embarrassed by President Trump.”

Really?  Then perhaps the Communist dictator should remain hidden in Beijing, because as a thug you never know what you will be from President Trump.  The same article stated “The president reportedly cut short a heated phone call with Australian Prime Minister…………and declined to shake German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s hand during an Oval Office photo op.”  This is an import note if you remember the length of time Trump held Shinzo Abe’s hand during an hand shake in the Oval Office.  Trump is aware of the symbolism behind simple gestures.

The National Review on 4 April, 2017 headlined an article “How Trump Can Seize the Initiative with Xi Jinping,” and continued with “Threaten sanctions for cyberattacks, pressure China over North Korea, uphold international law in the South China Sea.”

Of course fake-news CNN on 30 March, 2017 headlined “Donald Trump expects ‘very difficult’ summit with Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago.”  Really?  I am writing the following as a positive:  Donald Trump’s ego prohibits him from analyzing any future meeting as “very difficult.”  CNN is part of the USA’s fake-news machinery we are burdened with in the USA.

Advise to President Trump in reference to the meeting with the Commie, an old adage: “Lie down with dogs and wake up with fleas.”  Better yet from the Chinese philispher Confucius:

“I used to take on trust a man's deeds after having listened to his words. Now having listened to a man's words I go on to observe his deeds.”

Link to Los Angeles Times article:

Link the National Review article:

CNN’s article:

Tony Marano / Author, Propaganda Buster
April 7, 2017

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Tony Marano / Author, Propaganda Buster
April 7, 2017

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