Under the law in the pre-WW2 era and also today, a person born in the USA to a Japanese parent may have double citizenship or nationality of both Japan and the USA. Japanese-American soldiers, also known as “Nisei (second generation)” fought bravely for the USA. A most well-known Japanese-American “Nisei” veteran is the late Daniel Inouye, who was president pro tempore of the Senate. He had lost his right arm in the battlefield of the European front. The 442nd regiment combat team Inoue belonged to is well-known as “Japanese- American Unit” The highest casualty ratio proves that the 442nd Unit’s motto “Go for broke for your country.” Today we see his name at the international airport in Hawaii (ex. Honolulu International Airport) and one of the US destroyers (DDG-118).
The Japanese-American soldiers had to show their American citizenship with shedding their blood and braveness, however, rest of Japanese-Americans were interned by the US government during WW2, that president Reagan officially apologized in 1980’s. Most of Japanese-Americans lived with their decision of “Once Nisei decides to fight as an American citizen, do the duties of the American citizen”
Japanese-American people identified themselves as American citizens rather than Japanese origin. In contrast, Chinese/Korean-Americans often insisted the strong tie with their countries of origin, especially on the historical issue among Japan, Korea, and Communist China. Chinese/Korean-Americans’ strategy is to involve American (liberal) society in the historical issue in order to get anti-Japanese or Chinese/Korean supporters as many as they can. That would divide the American society although the reason is none of the related American issues. In the light of the US’s national and public interest, most Japanese-Americans did not make a voice against Chinese/Korean Americans on this issue, but such consideration of Japanese-American people was enormously misunderstood by Chinese/Korean-Americans. They confirmed that Japanese(-Americans) could not give a refutation because Japan was and is “the evil nation.”
However, quite a number of historical facts which Chinese or Koreans insist, are not certified academically. Some scholars say “History of China is a propaganda, and that of Korea is a fantasy, while that of Japan is the history.
Additionally, there is an obvious difference among nations of origins. Neither Japanese will bring such conflict to the US nor Japanese Americans, that can divide the public opinion or communities of the US citizens. But Chinese and Koreans do bring the conflict to the US in order to promote the anti-Japan campaign. They make very good teams with Chinese/Korean Americans and those are so eager to draw American people’s sympathy. They seem rather want to put Japanese-Americans at a disadvantage in the US society, and what is worse, they are so happy to see racial tensions against Japanese rising that they can say “The US society supports us for Justice over evil Japan! That is the international opinion!”
Thus, the Korea/China joint team is pushing forward with Japan Discount lobbying in the US again today too.
It is absolutely wrong to bring origin nation’s problems to the US. Chinese-Americans and Korean-Americans violate this unwritten rule in order to promote the anti-Japan campaign whereas Japanese-Americans have respect for a bond with the other communities in the country.
In terms of a division of the US society in President Trump days, the lifestyle of Japanese-American such as late Sen. Daniel K. Inoue has better quality for restoring US society’s unity rather than that of Chinese-Americans or Korean-Americans.
Kan KIRA / MA(Public Policy), Adviser. Policy making, Decision making and Program management
Feb 11. 2018