It is no doubt that “Japan, the Country where the sun rises” is a core of Japanese Identity. In ancient times, the people knew Japan was located at the east end of the Far East, so they came to the idea of that Japan was the east end of the world.
In the beginning of 7th century, the emperor of Japan sent a letter to the Chinese emperor Yang of Sui dynasty. The letter begins with “From the Emperor of the country where the sun rises to the Emperor of the country where the sun sets.” It is said that the Chinese emperor Yang was extremely angry to read the letter, because Sui-China was the peerless superpower in Asia and the sun ought to have risen from the center of the world, that was the Chinese Empire.
From ancient times to the present, Japan has been called “the country where the sun rises.” Japan(日本) means “the place where the sun rises”.
“The place where the sun rises” led both “Flag of the Sun” and “Rising Sun Flag (the one with sun beams)” to the national flags of Japan. In Meiji era, the government of Japan adopted “Flag of the Sun” as national flag, but “Rising Sun Flag” was still used as another national Flag, people’s ceremonial flag, or for naval ensign and “Flag of the Army Regiments”.
The Japanese still use “Rising Sun Flag” in festivals, international tournament, etc. In FIFA World Cup 2010, Rising Sun Flags were seen in vs Japan games. Many believes that “Rising Sun Flag” was better to flutter than official national Flag of “Flag of the Sun”, because, at non-national ceremony such as international tournament, people’s Flag of “Rising Sun Flag” could be more suitable than official national Flag of “Flag of the Sun.” Decades ago, showing the Rising Sun Flag was no problem at the international games including Japan vs South Korea.
There was certainly an incident at semifinal of AFC Champions cup 2011 that Rising Sun Flag of Japan was treated almost equally to Nazi Hakenkreuz. In Japan vs South Korea game, Ki Sung-Yueng of South Korea national team gestured monkey on purpose to disgrace Japanese. Ki lied his way out of criticism over his misbehavior with saying “Rising Sun Flag was shown in the stadium, and that is a symbol of brutal governing of the Empire of Japan” but in fact, no Rising sun flags were fluttered in the stadium at that time. Later, Ki extremely lost his temper in vs Colombia game when a player of Colombia national team made “needle eye” in order to discriminate Korean.
After the Cold War ended, anti-communism was replaced with anti-Japan sentiment in South Korea. Koreans used Ki’s Lie as an opportunity to rush into globally hunting the Rising Sun Flags and the goods with sun beams in design, because they claim the Rising Sun Flag is the unforgivable flag of war crimes same as Hakenkreuz is. Some business entities were forced to stop selling the goods because of Koreans’accusation which is totally false.
Having tasted success at claiming, Koreans continue the activities to exterminate the Rising Sun Flags all over the world. At last they began to hunt to exterminate the goods which had anything looks like sun beams of Japanese Rising Sun Flag in the design.
That is one example of “Japan Discount” by Koreans. Remember, Anti-Japan activities can be well justified and waivers of applying the laws and regulations in Korea.
Kan KIRA / MA(Public Policy), Adviser. Policy making, Decision making and Program management
Feb 11. 2018