There is really not one main reason for Donald Trump’s victory in the election. A few reasons can be equally weighed as the “main” reasons for his election.
American conservatives and rank and file Republicans were thoroughly disgusted with the Republican Party. This disgust arose out of the Republican Party’s betrayal of their constituents. They told us to stop Obama they need a Republican majority in the House of Representatives. When they got that majority then they said we need a majority in the Senate. When they received the majority in both houses of Congress, they rolled over and played dead. They allowed the minority party, the Democrats to run both houses and did nothing to stop Obama. We basically were reduced to a one-party system in the USA.
The total corruption of the Clinton family, and Obama’s complicity in a tacit approval destroyed the rule of law. The rule of law is a cherish tradition in the USA or was until the Clintons arrived on the scene with Obama abusing his office.
Obama’s domestic and foreign policy were a complete disaster frightening many Americans.
We were stick of the fake news bias media continue to lie when reporting the news.
Donald Trump arrives on the scene identifies the above I just wrote about and promises to make corrections. We believed him because of his past success and he was not a politician. We want that swamp in Washington, DC to be drained and out of all the candidates only Donald Trump is qualified to get the job done.
Obama had in his Cabinet members of academia, theoreticians, and faculty lounge cronies. Most of who never produce anything or worked in the private sector. Whereas Trump’s Cabinet selections are all successful in the private sector or military. Those selected by him are brilliant in their real-world experiences. All of whom love the United States and proud citizens. Contrast that to Obama’s Cabinet selection who continued to degrade the United States and profess absolute contempt for our Constitution and capitalism.
As Trump said many times, “America first.” For eight years the Obama regime put America last because they believed the USA was not the solution but the problem. Trump believes the USA is the solution and operates from the prospective.
As Trump said, he was not going to allow China to dictate to him who he can speak with. Trump speaking to the president of Taiwan was brilliant and long overdue. The government of Taiwan has been an ally to the USA close to one hundred years. The Communist government in Beijing has been nothing but a hemorrhoid. Trump stated about that call why not accept it when Taiwan buys billions of dollars of goods from the USA, and all China does is devalue their currency and steal our intellectual property.
Trump will continue to do was he started to do, treat Taiwan as part of a “Two China” policy. He has no respect for the Communist government in Beijing.
Trump has already been critical of China stealing territory in the South China Sea. Since he plans to enlarge the United States Navy it can be a clear signal he is determined to protect free navigation of the seas.
The drone China stole was of no consequences because it had no military value. But the Chinese did not know it, the acted as they always do as aggressors. I am confident once Trump takes office if the Chinese pull such a stunt again, there will be a reply from Trump more than just words or Tweets. Remember he has surrounded himself with real-world military line officers, not staff officers.
The Chinese flying near Japan’s airspace are probes to monitor Japan’s reply and learn from it. Japan is smart by not providing China that learning opportunity and basically remaining inactive.
China knows the Senkaku Islands fall within the security agreement between the USA and Japan. Having week-knee Obama reinforce that portion of the agreement only served to illustrate Trump will do the same. My only concern is I pray Japan is ready to repel any Chinese landing on those islands. Because if allowed to land there, it would be impossible to dislodge them without the risk of a greater conflict.
Tony Malano / Author, Propaganda Buster
April 10, 2017