THE HAINORI : The word literally seems like the horseback riding, but for real, it means the identity theft.
In the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami struck on 11 March, 15,891 deaths have been confirmed. In those days, dubious people, East Asian but not local, came to Fukushima, searching around the dead who had neither kith nor kinship. Therefore, Japanese feel anxiety about the near-future increase of fake Japanese as a result of the hainori, the identity theft.
Back to 9 to 10 March, 1945, the US fiercely raided the metropolitan area, 16 sq. miles were annihilated, and more than 100 thousand noncombatant civilians were burned dead. That was estimated to be the single most destructive bombing raid in human history. After Japan surrendered, even houses that remained unburned were sold no better than a giveaway price. Thus, unknown outsiders came and occupied the burnt-out area and settled down in Tokyo, Kawasaki, and others.
The Korean War began on June 25, 1950 through to July 27, 1953, when North Korea invaded South Korea. Under wartime circumstances during the 50s Korean War, about 600 thousand Korean illegal entrants smuggled themselves into Japan, mainly from Jeju Island where many Korean suspected of communist were killed by Korean Army.
Probably under the US pressure, the Japanese government agonizingly decided to give them a special permission to stay in Japan, who are now called the Zainichi I. They have enjoyed privileges owing to strangely merciful Japanese laws and being partly exempt from taxation. The Zainichi is the word to mean foreign residents living in Japan, but is very often used to refer to Koreans who, of course, have the Korean passport.
During the same period, Syngman Rhee, the first president of Republic of Korea unilaterally established a boundary line on the sea on January 18, 1952, which included the Liancourt Rocks, Takeshima.
On February 4, 1953, a Japanese fishing boat was shot and the fishery head died. This was the beginning. Until after the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea was concluded in 1965, 328 Japanese fishing boats were arrested in this area, and 3,929 fishermen and sailors were detained, 44 were injured or died. Meanwhile, Syngman Rhee demanded Japan still under the influence of the US occupation to dismiss the Korean prisoners who were imprisoned for habitual crimes and felonies, in exchange of Japanese detainees.
Japanese government released 472 Zainichi Korean criminals. Syngman Rhee, however, refused to get 472 Zainichi thugs back home to Korea, therefore the Japanese government gave them the special permission to stay in Japan. Korean criminals quickly vanished from sight in towns. A part of them did the identity theft and pretended to be Japanese.
The Zainichi criminals occupy the greater part of the crime rate in Japan today, in fact. The Ministry of Justice definitely possesses the detailed data of the 472 Zainichi Korean criminals and their descendants. The Korean repatriation program started during the 1950s through to 1984. Those who had lost the way to go back to the Peninsula after the defeat of Japan and those who illegally entered Japan during Korean War were given the special permission as permanent residents in Japan. And for them, the repatriation program started. Koreans who could go back home went back, therefore, the Zainichi who still live in Japan are clearly those who couldn’t go back to their homeland for some reason or others. Now, the number of the Zainichi Koreans has estimated to be 400 thousand.
The Zainichi Korean crimes occupy the greater part of the entire crime rate in Japan. Some Korean criminals find the Japanese deceased or kill a Japanese for the hainori, the identify theft. Korean tend to hold a grudge and jealousy against people in the vicinity. The same can be said about the Zainichi. Besides, they fiercely hate Japan and Japanese due to their self-taught interpretation of the history. So, the best way for Japan is to keep at a distance from Korea and Koreans.
The increase of illegal fake-Japanese is the political and financial threat to Japan and threaten the safety of Japanese. The case of the hainori which thoroughly disgraced Japan and Japanese is as follows :
The ianfu issue first appeared in the 1980s. Yoshida Seiji wrote a book entitled “My war crime - Mandatory abduction of Korean.” The malicious fabricated book deceived Korea and finally membership countries in the UN Commission on Human Right and UNESCO’s Memory of the World Program.
Yoshida Seiji was known as a Japanese novelist and a member of the Japanese Communist Party. The dubious man used many different names such as Yoshida Yūto, Seiji, Tōji, and Eiji. Yoshida Seiji wrote his war crime that he had committed as a Japanese soldier in Jeju Island off the coast of the Korean Peninsula, that they used 5 to 10 trucks sweeping the villages and kidnapped young women from each village, and seized 2,000 women in total. “We grabbed screaming infants from the women’s arms before forcing the women into trucks and shipping them to the front lines in China to serve in brothels for Japanese invasion force. The screaming was terrible, but that was my routine throughout 1943 and 1944,” he wrote.
Finally he condemned that it was the worst abuse of human rights in Asia in this century. Later Yoshida Seiji’s assertion was found rootless fabrications. In South Korean newspaper interviews with residents on Jeju Island, they denied the abduction of women from a button factory where no female workers but 7 to 8 male workers made buttons by polishing the horned turban shells, although Yoshida detailed the organized crime of female abduction from there in his 1983 memoirs.
In May 1996, the weekly magazine Shūkan Shinchō published Yoshida’s remarks admitting that portions of his work had been fabricated. A historian at Takushoku University and one of Yoshida Seiji’s leading critics, Hata Ikuhiko pointed out inconsistencies in 1977 and 1983 memories of Yoshida’s, and asserted that Yoshida’s claims were fabricated. Furthermore, Prof. Hata had doubts about Yoshida’s origin, because Yoshida Yūto was carried on the list of 1931 graduates from Moji Commercial School as the deceased. Prof. Hata suspected Yoshida for so-called hainori ; the word literally seems like the horseback riding, but for real, it means identity theft.
The dubious man passed himself off as Yoshida Yūto, despite that Yūto had already deceased in 1931. And then, he adopted a North Korean man who was merely four years younger than Yoshida himself. The adopted son noticed that the entry stamp was not pressed on Yoshida’s passport when they visited South Korea. Besides, the son said that Yoshida Seiji had never been to Jeju Island but was writing the novel looking at the map. These witnesses prove that Yoshida Seiji was Korean who illegally entered Japan, and clearly South Korean authority knew Yoshida’s hidden background.
There must have been collaborators also in Japan to find the deceased Japanese and prepare papers for the illegal entrant to assume the new identity. There was an evidence that Yoshida Seiji borrowed money from a certain organization of the Korean Peninsula, which made him an agent to Japan. He might have not voluntarily worked as an agent but had to begin difficulties under a big loan.
We have the fact. Korean have sold women of their own families from long time ago. During the WW II, in Korea under the Japan’s annexation, Korean trafficking agents kidnapped 50 or more Korean girls and sent them to brothels in Manchuria, where Japanese police rescued the girls and send them back to their parents. Many evidences can be found easily from the newspaper articles published in Korea and Japan at that time.